2023 Newborn Hearing Screen Access Updates from Susi Delaney CPM
Anne Banger and Darlene Freeman of the Maine CDC presented on newborn hearing screening in Maine at the MACPM conference in May 2023. This heartfelt presentation by two parents of adult children who had congenital hearing loss identified the importance of early screening, well-developed support systems that are available in the state for families of children with hearing loss, and the screening and diagnostic process in Maine.
The Maine CDC & Newborn Hearing Program (MNHP) have compiled a list of birth facilities that have stated that they will perform newborn hearing screenings for babies born out-of-hospital, along with their contact details. This list, current as of August 2023, can be found on the Newborn Hearing Program website, under the Providers tab (https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/population-health/mch/cshn/hearing-screening/providers.html) and is attached here. Each facility has its own procedures - some may allow families to schedule a hearing screening for their babies, others may require a midwife's referral, and some may require a pediatrician's referral. If clients are unable to set up hearing screening with the facility, a midwife should follow-up; you may need to speak with the labor & delivery nurse manager. If that is not effective, please contact Anne Banger, Newborn Hearing Program Coordinator, 207.287.8427.
The list of Category A facilities (audiological facilities that can perform newborn hearing screening and diagnostic evaluation) has also been updated and is attached here.
The Maine CDC has developed an informational packet on newborn hearing screening, including a letter to parents, a list of screening facilities (including instructions for scheduling an appointment), and MNHP brochures (a brochure on screening and a brochure on infant hearing). Once finalized, this packet will be able to be ordered on the Maine Newborn Screening website: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/population-health/mch/cshn/bloodspot-screening/order-form.html (right now, only the “Hearing in Infants and Young Children” brochures are available for order).
The Maine CDC has researched what other states do to support screening of babies born out-of-hospital and the logistics of their programs, so that we can identify best practices that are applicable to Maine.
As many of you know, there are two hearing screeners held in storage by the Maine CDC. There are several additional screeners that may be available to be placed throughout the state to increase access to out-of-hospital screening. There are not enough machines to be placed with every out-of-hospital licensed midwifery practice in the state that is interested, and there are babies whose births were not attended by licensed midwives who also need screening. Financial concerns include single-use supplies for each screen, routine calibration of machines, and other maintenance of the machines. Getting these machines into use is not a straightforward process and will require collaboration and planning.
Help Increase Access
A committee of midwives is being built to help develop a specific dissemination, maintenance, and usage plan for the state-owned screeners, in conjunction with the Maine CDC. If you are interested in serving on this committee and facilitating the use of these machines by midwifery practices in the state, please join me for an informational meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, November 1st at 6pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 959 181 3076
Passcode: Red#Tent
Or, contact Susi Delaney CPM at 207.329.4399 or midwifesusi@maine.rr.com.