MACPM Community Peer Review
All NARM Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) and CPM applicants are encouraged to attend local, routine Community Peer Review. Community Peer review should be routine, confidential, professional, non-punitive, and educational.
It is an opportunity for cohesiveness within a community and can serve as a foundation when difficult situations arise. Having an established Community Peer Review provides a stable environment for professional resources and support.
Community Peer Review is to be held quarterly. In cases of unusual hardship in meeting, it is suggested that meetings happen at least every six months.
Students and assistants are included in Community Peer Review.
A midwife who also facilitates the meeting hosts Community Peer Review. This job rotates among those participating.
The midwife must present all cases involving consultation, transfer of care, transport to the hospital, instances where the midwife is outside of practice guidelines (including in these the process of Informed Choice that was used), and cases where the midwife requests more input from the community of midwives. It is helpful to the community if the midwife also discusses interesting cases or situations.
Community Happenings and Objectives
After everyone has presented their cases and discussion has ended, the Community Peer Review group is encouraged to discuss professional educational objectives for the current recertification period.
MACPM Community Peer Review Guidelines
• The information presented at Community Peer Review is confidential.
• The intention of peer review is not punitive. Community Peer Review should involve shared experiences and education as well as constructive self-criticism and community feedback. Concerns should be raised respectfully and with the assumption that feedback is welcome.
• Community Peer Review may develop community guidelines of care by consensus.
• While a midwife presents a case, everyone remains quiet. Questions are asked after the midwife has finished.
MACPM Community Peer Review Structure
Upon arrival, each midwife shares the number of cases they have to bring to review and how much time they estimate they will need to present them.
Guidelines Review
At the opening of the meeting, the midwife facilitating is to review the basic guidelines for Community Peer Review.
• The information presented at Community Peer Review is confidential.
• The intention of peer review is not punitive. Community Peer Review should involve shared experiences and education as well as constructive self-criticism and community feedback. Concerns should be raised respectfully and with the assumption that feedback is welcome.
• Community Peer Review may develop community guidelines of care by consensus.
• While a midwife presents a case, everyone remains quiet. Questions are asked after the midwife has finished.
Each midwife is to present their cases for review to the Community Peer Review participants.
• Practice Introduction:
-Number of clients currently in care
-Number of upcoming births
-Number of cases the midwife has to present.
• Case for Review:
-Significant Social or Medical History
-Relevant Labs and Ultrasounds
-Significant Findings in Care
-Provider Consultations
• Peer Questions and Discussion